TEXTREE A Division of K K Silk Mills Ltd we are supplying Finished Fabric according to consumer needs with Unique and innovative cultures and designs, striving each day to come up with new designs and base fabric.

We have establised our Brands under different Trademarks "RGRAYON" , "TIMAZZO" , "TEXTREE", Growing rapidly over OTC, TEXTREE is creating a trend which has raised the bar of quality fabrics in National as well as International markets. Starting right from designing to production to sampling and sales, entire process is inhouse making Quality control and timely supply our key feature . We also supply to esteemed Garmenters, Corporates as well as Uniform insitutes.

Product Range

  • Specialised in variety of fabrics like Linen, Cotton, PolyCotton, Milange, Yarn Dyed, Jacquards and Prints.
  • Creating fabrics in variety of counts we try to bring the best in fabric that every human would love to wear.

Contact Email:info@kksilkmills.com (or) salestextree@kksilkmills.com


A Beautiful blend of Cotton and Lycra engineered together to create a new generation fine textured fabric.